- Groundwork
Behavioral Systems: Combining behavioral science and systems analysis
- January 31, 2024
- 10:00 am

Combining Behavioral Science and Systems Analysis
Many challenges the world faces arise from broken behavioral systems: systems with multiple levels of interacting actors in which people make the best choices they can given their limitations. However, by doing so, they generate outcomes that no one actually wants.
In these systems, people are embedded in a context that shapes their behavior. Their actions then shape both how the system behaves and the very set of choices that the individuals within it face, often in non-obvious ways.
Once we start looking, it is not hard to find these broken behavioral systems: they arise in everything from fisheries management to racial wealth inequality to corrosive norms of behavior on social media.
In this Groundwork piece, we share our journey to understand and grapple with broken behavioral systems.
We will look at how such systems function, the many tools and techniques of systems analysis, and how behavioral scientists have sought to contribute to the discussion.
We will then outline a potential path forward: a unified toolkit for bringing these disciplines together to address broken behavioral systems.