My research focus is on gender, health, and development, precisely issues related to maternal and child health, utilization of antenatal care and skilled birth attendance, and the link with social support for women. I enjoy finding solutions to these through engagements with women and listening to their lived experiences. My research interests include Health, Gender, and Education Sector policies in Nigeria or in developing countries and more recently topics related to nutrition.
In Busara, I lead the Posner food waste project that seeks to prevent food waste in traditional Kenyan and Nigerian markets. I also lead the Cargill-GAIN project for analysis of consumer behavior for improved consumption of chicken meat and eggs for Nigeria and Kenya. Recently, I have completed the EatSafe project that seeks to influence food safety-related behavior among consumers and vendors in Kebbi and Sokoto States, Nigeria.
Some of the outputs from my current and past projects include:
- Posner Food Waste Project Case Study
- Posner Food Waste Conference Paper Publication
- EatSafe Project Case Study-The Brand Intervention
Before joining Busara, I have been involved in writing multiple research reports, analyzing legislative Bills and budgets as well as writing policy briefs on topical issues related to health and education at the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies. Some of my research outputs have been published in the Journal of Economics and Behavioural Studies, Journal of Sustainable Development, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, International Journal of Humanities, Social Science and Management (IJHSSM), Mediterranean Journal of Social Science and Nigerian Journal of Legislative Affairs, Proceedings of the 3rd Global Conference on Agriculture, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Background documents
Modern Contraceptive Use in Nigeria: A Question of Cost, Access or Quality? Presentation at the workshop on Writing and Researching the Political Economy of Inequality in Africa 30th January – 2nd February 2024: Unpublished
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar
Languages Spoken: English, Hausa.