ruth wamba
Ruth Wambua
Qualitative Research Specialist

As a qualitative research specialist, I love understanding people’s experiences and using that knowledge to create positive change. I focus on exploring human behavior, perspectives, and emotions, especially from those whose voices are often ignored. My goal is to use research to build empathy, identify challenges, and create inclusive environments. I’ve seen how qualitative research can spark change by revealing hidden stories, encouraging conversations, and working with communities to find solutions. I believe real change starts with empathy, understanding, and teamwork. I’m dedicated to ensuring that diverse voices are heard and respected. Through careful research and commitment, I aim to help build a fairer and more compassionate world.

I am currently working on qualitative and design projects, offering technical expertise across various portfolios. My work involves designing qualitative study instruments, training field teams, piloting and supervising data collection activities, and analyzing and interpreting findings to provide actionable insights to clients.

Previous work includes:

  • Playful learning through edutainment_An analysis of pedagogy, perceptions, and behaviors that matter
  • Understanding the market systems resilience for the dairy and mango value chains: Outcome harvesting Evaluation
  • Promoting consumption of safe, diverse nutritious foods among women of reproductive age and children 6-23 months in Kenya.
  • Building the evidence base for women’s digital economic empowerment_ Qualitative exploration to phone use and repayment behaviors among M-KOPA customer database.
  • Assessing and Amplifying Parent Support for Locally Sourced Produce in Barbados: Qualitative Research Report.

Profiles: LinkedIn.

Languages Spoken: English, Swahili, Kamba