Inclusive Finance

At Busara, our Inclusive Finance team collaborates with private sector entities, philanthropic organizations, and policymakers to enhance the efficiency of financial products and markets for low-income individuals. Our focus is on identifying and addressing market shortcomings, particularly how the availability (or lack) of financial products and policy influences people’s economic well-being and daily lives. 

Central to our mission is a commitment to understanding the human element in financial systems. We delve into behavioral patterns and consider both infrastructural and physical factors that shape how individuals engage with financial tools. A key area of our work also involves bridging the gender gap in finance. We work closely with partners to highlight these disparities, exploring their root causes and why they persist. Our gender-focused strategies involve questioning the suitability of current financial services and recognizing significant obstacles unique to women in specific contexts. 

Additionally, we are dedicated to creating supportive environments for microenterprises, particularly in urban settings with a growing youth population. We aim to make finance more effective for these entrepreneurs by facilitating access to quality credit, optimizing trade processes, and providing additional value-added services.

Featured Articles

Meet The Inclusive finance team

Senior Policy Communications Officer

David Muruaru

Senior Analyst

Cynthia Mbabazi

Talent Officer

Ayo Adeloye

Senior research specialist, CREME

Mario Schmidt

Through the Behavioral Lens

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