What is rigorous qualitative research in behavioral science?

Nyaga Robert G. and Wendel Stephen

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Qualitative research


Global South


Behavioral science | Design | Qualitative analysis | Behavior maps

Rigorous qualitative research in behavioral science guides the understanding of the intricacies of human behavior, motivations, and experiences. It transcends mere observation, and delves into the depths of individual experiences and socio-cultural nuances. Through replicable research design, transparent data collection processes, and systematic analysis, rigorous qualitative research endeavors to unearth rich insights that quantitative and experimental approaches alone cannot capture. It offers a profound understanding of our world, contributing to the advancement of theory and practice within behavioral science. When applied in behavioral science, qualitative research provides a meaningful richness of insights, an approach we call qualitative behavioral science. Qualitative behavioral science synthesizes the long and deep traditions of qualitative research with the specific insights and goals of applied behavioral science: to understand and make meaningful, measurable changes in people’s lives.


Qualitative research is invaluable in behavioral science, and the two approaches are intricately interlinked, especially in advancing our understanding of human behavior. Through its emphasis on in-depth exploration of personal and interpersonal relationships, qualitative research advances our comprehension of human complexity. When done rigorously, qualitative research contributes to theory development and the generation of evidence. Furthermore, it shapes how we approach behavioral science as a whole. However, we are cognizant of the fact that while qualitative research is invaluable, other approaches exist to understanding human behavior, such as design research and informal qualitative research. These methods are also important, not any less, but context matters. Thus, if there is any insight that you can take home from this read is this— a qualitative researcher, and by extension a behavioral researcher doing qualitative research, focuses on the consistency of the research process and the rigor of the processes. It is important, however, to consider the context that one is faced with and the desired outcomes of a project when choosing the right approach to a qualitative inquiry. Doing so meaningfully and intentionally can help us contribute to knowledge creation and sharing in a dignified manner that upholds the respect of participants and research processes.